Check it out!Premium lists available for the following trials: (links will be active when premiums become available) _________
__________ AKC Rally Trials ________ AKC Obedience Trials ________ AKC Obedience/Rally Trials ________ Training has reopened on Wednesdays. Check with Bella G if have questions ________
If Jefferson Co. (KY) Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, there will be no training for GLTC. ____________
About UsOur members have been training Louisvillians to train their dogs since 1945. We also host obedience, rally, and agility trials as well as tracking tests where well-trained canines can show off their training. Since January 6, 2015, we have held training for members and their guests at Competitive Edge Agility (4600 Shepherdsville Road). We hold our monthly meetings there on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, except December. We would love to have you join us! Our members compete in many different types of canine events, including tracking tests, obedience, rally and agility trials, earth dog tests, and sporting dog hunt tests. _____________________
Copyright Greater Louisville Training Club 2022 |